0161 222 4004


Shopfront Scheme

We pride ourselves on the regeneration work we do across the area and in particular along Liverpool Road, the main thoroughfare through the district.

  • Before
  • Before
  • After
  • After
  • After
  • After

In 2008 we took part in Salford City Council’s (SCC) ‘Shops Upfront Scheme’ which aimed to create attractive and accessible retail areas along Liverpool Road. Part of the SCC Liverpool Road Corridor Strategy, the scheme encouraged owners to improve the aesthetics of their shop fronts with a 70% contribution from the council for specific works up to the value of £16,000 per property.

Keen to improve this important gateway, we purchased a row of 5 properties and the old post office and completed an interior refurbishment on each, as well as improvements to the front elevation and new shopfront signage.

Building on the scheme, we have subsequently improved the frontage of commercial properties 6, 8, 14 and 176 Liverpool Road to a similar design and standard as those previously completed.

These improvements have been complemented by SCC enhancements to the local environment and street-scene including the road itself, helping to increase business confidence in the area. Hopefully this will stimulate further investment and make Liverpool Road a bustling local shopping area like it once was.

The scheme was a catalyst, with many local shop owners being inspired to make further investment themselves. Even shops not involved in the scheme, but located nearby started to give their shopfront’s a make-over.

We are always looking for opportunities to make improvements to properties along Liverpool Road to ensure its sustainability. If you have a property you are looking to sell, then please get in touch on 0161 222 4004.